

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Venice or Venizia

 I took a photo of the map we each received.  We stayed in the hostel on the little island across from Venice.  So we took the Vaporretto- city water bus, each day to get over and back.
my finger is pointing at Saint Mark's cathedral.
or Basilica of San Marco if you are non-American
Zitelle-is the name of the stop.

Finger on Peggy Guggenheim's museum

looks like a metro map
but is the map to tell you which Vaporetto
takes you where you want to go & the names of the stops
 In case you are like me and have no idea where Venice is in relation to the rest of the world.  I got out the big Atlas and looked it up.  Thankfully the index told me exactly which square to look in as even in my huge atlas it is a tiny spot.  Venezia, as the rest of the world calls it, is a little bit of land off of the east side of the “furry” bit of northern Italy.
Pink post-it note helps you find it:-)
Venice is located to the left of the pink-post-it

This is an attempt to show you where Vienna is in relation to Venezia/Venice.
See the "R" far right upper corner.  Vienna is east of that R.
unfortunately my atlas doesn't have Vienna and Venice on the same page.

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