

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Sweetest Thing or things my Grandmother taught me

My maternal Grandmother was born in January and each year as I celebrate her birthday I remember her and the great life she lived. She taught me many wonderful things through her amazing example.

1)She always had a exercise bike in her home or apartment.
I remember watching her do her morning routine. It involved prayer and scripture study then stretches and bicycles in the air while on the bed then she would stand in her room (before going to wash up and get dressed) and do various exercises: windmills, touch toes, jumping jacks, squats etc. then do a couple of miles on her bike. (I observed this when she was older than 62.) She lived happily until the age 103 partly because she did her best to stay fit and active.

2)She was incredibly optimistic! She greeted each day with a song and enthusiasm. I only saw her down and discouraged twice. Once right after her second husband died. (my Grandfather died before I was born) And when the rent on her apartment was raised and she was worried that she didn't have the money to support herself. Her insistence that she or anybody in the room was not allowed to speak negatively about anyone helped establish a good habit that I try to live by. She ignored the faults and foibles of others and expected everyone else to do the same.

3)She made every visitor feel special. She was genuinely interested in everybody. She especially liked my future husband and always made him welcome in her apartment.

4)She was an incredible cook and hostess.

5)She magnified her church callings. In her 90's she happily led the singing in Relief Society. She wrote in her personal history that she accepted every calling given to her including Matron of the Logan temple, Relief Society President many times, etc. Singing Mothers musical director. She completed three successful missions.

6)She loved serving in the temple. After my Grandfather died she decided she wanted to spend more time in the temple. So she put the family home up for rent and moved into an apartment so she could walk to and from the temple.

7)Material possessions were less important then people and service. I am impressed with her ability to move into the small apartments and give most of her belongings away.

8)She enthusiastically taught me that “the sweetest thing in marriage is a roll in bed with honey.” She made me excited about my upcoming honeymoon by telling me with reverence and longing how wonderful the private physical relationship between husband and wife is.

I feel very grateful for her teachings and examples. I know my life is rich and wonderful by trying to follow in her example.

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