

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eating Rules for Feeling Good by Anita

"Eating rules for feeling good" were written by a neighbor of mine who serves on the "Food Committee" at school with me. These rules will be posted in the cafeteria and each rule given expanded attention through the TV monitors in the student lounge as well as student assemblies. (English is not Anita's native tongue I think she is amazing)

(Or, how to keep yourself healthy, full of energy and reach and keep the weight which is right for you)

1. Eat breakfast.
Start your day putting some “gas in your tank”. Breakfast does not mean eating something “fast”, rather “break the night fast”. Fruit or yogurt to wake you up; oats or whole grain cereals or whole wheat toasts for longer lasting energy.*

*If you do not feel hungry in the morning, and maybe a bit sick, that’s stomach acid playing up; try drinking a glass of lukewarm water, better with the juice of half a lemon, when you get up, use a straw to protect your teeth from the lemon juice.

2. Eat lunch and dinner at regular times.
Have lunch with lean meats or fish and vegetables, or pasta/rice and vegetables. Try to have healthy regular meals at least 5 days a week

3. Have tasty healthy snacks during the school day.
Fruit, yogurt, light sandwich, muffin, raisins for a quick boost.
Oat biscuits, whole wheat bread/muffin, trail mix for longer lasting energy
After sport have some carbs to replenish your energy quickly before homework: baked potatoes, pasta, grilled cheese sandwich, a slice of pizza

4. Drink water
And juices (fresh, whenever possible) and teas (herbal teas, please). Drink more in extreme weather (very hot or very cold) and when exercising

5. Get taller and stronger
With the right amount of calcium. You can choose: one glass of milk, one piece of cheese, yogurt, soy milk, fresh carrot or orange juice, broccoli, beans, almonds.

6. Improve your memory and concentration
With “the good fats gang”: salmon, tuna and other fish, seeds and nuts, and olive oil

7. Keep your skin looking good and your body feeling lighter
with plenty of fibers: fruit and veggies, brown bread and rice, beans and lentils

8. Give peas and peaches a chance!
Add color to your meals with veggies and fruits. A variety of colors will ensure a variety of vitamins and minerals (and give you that healthy look …)

9. Get yourself some treats, but keep them numbered
Limit caffeine (try fresh juice instead, it will wake you up), sugar and sugary drinks, salty snacks, animal fats and anything pre-cooked and packaged

10. Finally,
Stand up straight and tall, exercise, sleep and have lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Shaura! I'm going through a bit of a blue funk right now, and this is a good way to begin to punch through it. Glad you shared!
