

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Power of One

Yesterday I followed the link above that was posted on my Facebook friend's wall.  I read the blog and got goosebumps on my goosebumps.
First of all I know a lot about eating disorders and I really related to his comments about believing you are the one that can overcome.  I certainly put that principle into my life in regards to getting rid of an overwhelmingly bad phobia.  And I believe I have fantastic immunity partly because I believe I have good immunity.  I just believe in being healthy and recovering from anything that ails me as quickly as possible, and it usually, with faith and prayers comes to pass.  Though I did get really irritated when I was terribly sick in Moscow with a double infection of staph and strep- when my husband who is used to me bouncing back pretty quickly, got impatient when I was not cured as fast as He thought I should be. (how is that for a long sentence.)
My brother and sister-in-law and their children also are quick healers.  And they inspire me.
Second the blog really affected me with the impact of his numbers.... and graphs.  I love graphs.  I want to be a person who makes a difference.
Frankly though his excellent writing gave me writer’s block yesterday.  I had so much to say but started judging myself against his skill.
Oh, well, I can only do the best I am capable of now at this moment in time.
And I am sure I’ll think of more to say later--


  1. I've glad you have found Single Dad Laughing - he has writing some very power posts.

  2. great link. Thanks for sharing your thoughts too!
