

Sunday, November 22, 2009

An Open Heart

I road home from Chorus in a Sokol marshuka, a small yellow van that holds 12 passengers. Once all 12 were seated we headed homeward. At our first stop a middle aged woman stepped on. She stood against the door trying to get her wallet out of her purse while maintaining her balance. (the driver had begun driving as soon as the door was closed.)The older woman sitting near her spoke softly to her in Russian.

Then she straightened out her coat, lifted her bags up against her chest and the new passenger placed her purse on her lap. Now that her hands were free she could zip open her purse, get out her wallet and find the 25 rubles she needed for her ride. After the wallet was returned to her purse, she lifted the purse off of her new friend's lap. Each woman turned away from the other to go back to being strangers. What a marvelous way to serve someone. I was deeply touched and reminded of my goal to have a more loving heart and look for ways to be of service.

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