

Monday, February 7, 2011

Danube Dreamers

Friday we sang at the Austrian-American Club  meeting.
I loved it.  I was excited to sing without holding sheet music, a milestone in my development with the group.  

Next goal: be able to sing well enough and strong enough that if the other Lead isn't able to be there the group can still sing.  Thus far all attempts to sing without Brendon at rehearsals has caused me to crash and burn = me losing pitch or singing part of the Baritone notes and part of the tenor notes and my lead line vanishing. GRRR!  I am determined to become a skillful quartet singer before I die!!

Hana our Bass's wife video taped some of our songs, then Dave put it up on youtube
Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight:

Irish Blessing:

I am super pleased that at no time does my voice stick out.  I have succeeded in blending well with Brendon and the rest of the singers. A major goal for me.  
I am also singing lower notes than I have ever sung.  an F below middle C. Yippee for progress.
 I would really like to be able to sing the first two notes in Irish blessing, something I will keep working on. :-) but below my reach at the moment.